Really makes carrying extra mags easy, you can also attach other pouches to the front to really streamline your equipment
I had a very specific role in mind for this bag, suffice to say, it fits the task perfectly! The pouches included are all sized well and are easy to configure in whatever layout you choose. Constructi
Works really well, had it nearly a year and still no damage that effects how the Leash works. Highly recommended!
I've had my hat for a little over a year and it's been amazing, Was a little bit tight but it stretched over time and now fit's perfect, I use it everyday in the sun on construction sites
I started wearing this for just walking from the train station and bush walking it works fantastic it fits so well and keeps my head cool during the summer for bush walking and anything else really. I
Perfectly fits a PMAG 10 .223/5.56 Mag also!
Great bushy, the best fit for tropical and hot environments. On point 10/10